Disclaimer : - all event and character are fictional. Any resemblance to the living or dead is truly regretted.
* KJ flaming the fire with A grade bbq charcoal while chuckling evilly *
M :- Cilaka…I’ve had it...I gonna change my photo album title to " M's b/w picture collection ". ANYONE gives me SHIT about putting COLORS into them pictures is gonna get a black eye and probably white froth oozing out of their every orifice...
E :- H arr…I got black eyed…sobs~
H :- Niabeh...I told you didn't I?..There is no such thing as freedom of speech on FB...Got dissatisfaction or clashes of opinion, we blog...Xd
E :- I don't want go yum char with brother Isa wor...
H :- You is no RPK...besides...M.C.B has no jurisdiction on blogosphere...We safe...I think…
E :- =.=''
behind d scene..
* H hi5'ed HY *
H :- Nice job man the way you help improve character development and at the same time give some depth to the drama..sugoi nee...
HY :- All in a days work of HY production company...muahaaha...