Saturday, October 11, 2008


i see you,
like the spring.
know you,
like a sibling.
hear you too,
like a voice in my brain.

but you
my dear friend,
are blind...

you see me,
you know me,
you hear me.

who am i?
in your eyes?

you come to me,
when you need me.
you ignore me,
when i need you?

is this the friendship,
which you always claimed?



Edward Liew said...

Xpe la dont emo, just remember who feeds you booze when you're down, who brings you kfc when you're hungry and who shares with you all the tv series when you're bored. XD

Let the blind be blind, the ignorant be ignorant, no point scraping for little affection from someone you know when there's someone you don't know who'll give all of theirs just down the corner. Cheer up dude! ;D

chanpang said...

sei yan tao hock...kong ngo ka dis topic??hahahahaha

kC0h_liM said...

cp..terasa r..
dun lar sho perasaan..

Anonymous said...

wah hock, since when u so emo,hahaha...