Friday, November 30, 2007

supply and demand...

Rules of Economic:-when there is demand we supply.

As the pure monopolist of this blog, I'm held responsible for all published work. >>I'm tired...Accessing all the demands and coming up with suitable supplies for the mass consumer is one thing, but providing for a certain small group of high taste elites who require a particular type of sarcasm is in itself in a totally different perspective. Sometimes I wish this was a perfect competition. But alas, trying to overcome an establish brand name in an industry like this is not easy. Its one thing to be able to produce the same quality materials, its another thing to be able to grab a piece of this exquisite market.

But its not smooth sailing all the way. Although the entry barriers for other bloggers to pursue a career in this form of entertainment service is pretty high, there are some minor setbacks. Being in a command system compare to a free market system means I have to put up with 'their' needs. These insensitive people are pushy, aggressive, demanding and not afraid to show it. And when push comes to shove, they start defacing my blogs with graffiti demanding me to come out with new products. The nerves to do that to poor little old me and yet lacking the decency to put in real names(the baker..god,u did think I'm spastic to not know its you..=.=) when addressing your ever compromising supplier.

Sometimes I wonder if I can even sustained my (nil-profit)blog with the ever increasing demands. Not only do they want abundant supply of reading materials, they want it cheap. Reality check people, this is not a charity. If you want a higher output, you got to start paying better. Or at least pay me my dues. How do you expect me to start on a new project when payment for previous contracts aren't even accounted for?(where is my muffinz and durian potong!!) I need food for my brain to work you see. It doesn't run on pure demands. You'd think I will at least have all my materials for research and development subsidized. So if you want new inputs, get the blood flowing to my control tower. Its already too thick with demands which has clogged up all creative space for innovative processing work to be done. So what better way than bringing me out on a few 'tani' sessions(preferably all expense paid..XP) to dilute the blood flowing to my lump of grey matter and energize me for the daunting supplying task ahead..

ps. note from the management:to all economy illiterate people who have problem understanding this blog..break a if i care..suckers..